Dear Colleagues, Dear Researchers,
The GP2A (Group for the Promotion of Pharmaceutical chemistry in Academia) is delighted to announce that a conference session dedicated to “Drug discovery in the era of antimicrobial resistance” will take place online on Friday 5th March 2021 at 15:00 CET.
All recorded videos are available here.
Please find the programme below:
15:00 Opening – Prof. Pascal Marchand, University of Nantes, France
15:05 Prof. Tom Coenye, Ghent University, Belgium
Challenges in biofilm research: where do we stand and where are we going?
Session Chair – Dr. Vânia M. Moreira, University of Coimbra, Portugal
15:50 Prof. Concepción González-Bello, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Antibiotic adjuvants – A booming strategy to unlock bacterial resistance
Session Chair – Dr. Laura Carro Santos, University College London, UK
16:35 Dr. Tim O’Sullivan, University College Cork, Ireland
Synthesis and evaluation of novel quorum sensing inhibitors of Diffusible Signal Factor
Session Chair – Dr. Florence McCarthy, University College Cork, Ireland
17:20 End of the meeting – Prof. Pascal Marchand, University of Nantes, France
29th Annual GP2A Conference, 25th – 27th August 2021, Online
Any further enquiries can be directed to
We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting online event with the aim of continuing on from what was an excellent and scientifically stimulating online meeting last August.
All recorded video are available here.
To attend this Online Event, please fill out the following form (free registration):
CVs in brief…
Prof. Tom Coenye

Tom Coenye leads the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at Ghent University (Belgium). His major research interests are in the field of sociomicrobiology, i.e. research on the group behaviour of micro-organisms. More specifically, research is centered around microbial biofilm formation (including biofilm formation on indwelling medical devices), the evaluation of novel strategies to prevent biofilm formation and/or eradicate existing biofilms, and the molecular basis of tolerance and resistance in biofilms. In addition, in his research group host-microbe interactions are studied and host- and microbiota directed approaches to treat bacterial infections and detrimental processes in the host due to the infection (e.g., inflammation) are explored. He is currently chair of the ESCMID Study Group on Biofilms and is one of the founding senior-editors of the journal ‘Biofilm’. For his work he received several awards and in 2019 and 2020 he was included on Clarivate’s list of Highly Cited Researchers.
Web page:
Prof. Concepción González-Bello

Concepción González-Bello obtained her PhD in Chemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC, Spain) in 1994. She did predoctoral stays in the University of Gent with Prof. M. Vandewalle (Ghent, Belgium) and in the Scripps Research Institute with Prof. K.C. Nicolaou (La Jolla, USA). After a postdoctoral stay in the University of Cambridge (UK) with Prof. C. Abell, she joined USC as an Assistant Professor (Lugo Campus) in late 1996 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2003. In 2011, she joined the Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CIQUS, Santiago de Compostela Campus) as a group leader. She is author of about 90 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, 14 chapters in books and three European patents. She is academic editor of PLOS ONE (2015-) and member of the International Advisory Board of Advanced Therapeutics (2018-) and ACS Omega (2021-). Since May 2019, she is one of the managers of the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI), in the subarea “Chemical Sciences and Technologies (CTQ). She is also the treasurer of the Chemical Biology group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) and member of the users committee of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (CURES).
Her main research interest is to develop updated therapies targeting infectious diseases, in particular drugs with new mechanisms of action. She is interested in the design of selective and effective inhibition of essential enzymes involved in the aromatic amino acids biosynthesis, of class D beta-lactamases, which are the most widely extended bacterial resistance mechanism, and in the modulation of proteins/enzymes involved in virulence processes. She has a wide experience in the structure-based design of compounds, in protein crystallography and in computational studies to explore enzyme dynamics.
Web page: ;
Dr. Tim O’Sullivan

Dr Tim O’Sullivan received his BSc degree in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Limerick in 1997. He subsequently obtained a PhD degree under Professor Lewis Mander at the Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University focusing on the total synthesis of diterpenoids. He returned to Ireland in 2001 to work as a postdoctoral fellow with Dr Mary Meegan at Trinity College Dublin initially and later as a senior postdoctoral fellow at University College Dublin in the research group of Professor Pat Guiry. He was appointed Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in University College Cork in 2006. His current research is on the synthesis of novel bioactive compounds, with a particular focus on developing quorum sensing inhibitors.