Dear friends, I hope everyone is well and healthy Please find the link for a PhD position available in my team, under my supervision, starting in september 2021, Thanks for disseminating in your networks and to your Master 2 students, Warm regards Dr. HDR Laurent PICOTProfessor assistant in Biochemistry UMRi CNRS 7266 LIENSs TeamRead More…
Post-Doctoral position: Peptide/peptidomimetics synthesis for crop protection as an alternative to conventional chemical pesticides The Post-Doctoral fellow chosen for this position will take part in the EU-funded FETOPEN Network NoPest. NoPEST gathers research groups with complementary skills and infrastructures from five universities based in four EU countries and the associated state Israel together with SIPCAMOXON,Read More…
University of Dundee recruits 1 Team leader and 4 Research Scientists (36 months) to work on a new drug discovery collaboration between Professor Alessio Ciulli and Almirall (a global biopharmaceutical company focused on skin health)
Organic and medicinal chemistry – COSSBA team, UMR CNRS 5246 ICBMS, Lyon, France (Prof. Thierry Lomberget) Medicinal chemistry – University Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3, France (Dr Fatima El Garah) Organic chemistry – COBRA, UMR 6014, Rouen Normandy Univ., France (Dr Corinne Fruit and Prof. Thierry Besson) Bio-organic chemistry – COBRA, UMR 6014, Rouen Normandy Univ.,Read More…
Prof. Steven J Charlton Excellerate Bioscience and University of Nottingham Comparing the pharmacological characteristics of compounds across different systems (e.g. different assays and/or cell types) can be a complex task. More difficult still is the extrapolation of these in vitro data to in vivo systems through PK/PD modeling. In order to make these tasks asRead More…
We are grateful to all the GP2A 2019 sponsors and exhibitors for their support of the conference.

Registration To register for the conference, please use the registration portal: Abstract Submission Abstracts from conference registrants are invited for poster and oral presentation. Following review of all abstracts by the organising committee, a total of 6 abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. To submit your abstract, please download complete the ‘abstract templateRead More…