Further information about the conference, including registration, program and invited speaker biographies, are available HERE.
For displaced researchers from Ukraine, support will be offered to attend the GP2A conference in August. If you have contacts from Ukraine who may be interested, please pass on this message and ask them to contact us at gp2a2022@gp2a.org.
Additional information: the deadline for abstract submission is postponed to 31st July 2022.

Sponsors: We are grateful to our sponsors. Click on their links to discover their products and services. ThermoFisher Scientific, Fáilte Ireland, CEM, Collaborative Drug Discovery (CDD), LabCup, BioPharma, Biotage, Almac Group, Key Organics, Labplan, Pharmaceuticals, Mason Technology, Lilly, GPE Scientific, Asynt, Fluorochem and RSC Medicinal Chemistry.