GP2A-JFB 2018 – Information and registration

This year’s conference, GP2A-JFB 2018, organised by members from the Universities of Caen and Rouen will take place between 13th and 15th June at Asnelles sur Mer (Normandie).

Final program schedule is available HERE !!

Prizes will be given during the congress.
– 2 Best Poster Awards sponsored by ManRos Therapeutics
– 1 Best “PhD short communication” Award sponsored by MDPI
– 1 Best “Young researcher communication” Award sponsored by MDPI

As a joint meeting with the 32nd Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie, the 26th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference will provide a unique opportunity to engage with a wide group of European Chemists.

The “Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie” (JFB) is a widely recognized annual meeting on Medicinal Chemistry. This two-day symposium, whose first edition was held in 1986, aims to promote exchanges between medicinal chemists, mainly from France and Belgium. It is renowned for the advanced science presented, conviviality, and outstanding opportunities for senior and young scientists to exchange knowledge. An important part of the scientific program, besides plenary lectures given by internationally recognized scientists, is usually devoted to open lectures giving the opportunity for young scientists to present their research. The themes discussed during the meeting are those generally encountered by medicinal chemists: organic synthesis, bioinformatics and computer-aided drug design, pharmacological tests and molecular biology.

Registration fees

# Including 2 nights (Wednesday + Thursday) + 2 breakfasts (Thursday + Friday) + 3 lunches (Wednesday + Thursday + Friday) + 1 dinner (Wednesday) + 1 gala dinner (Thursday)

Academic: €300

PhD student: €200

Post-doctoral researcher: €200

Industrial: €350

# extra night (Tuesday) + 1 dinner (Tuesday) + 1 breakfast (Wednesday)

Academic: €365

PhD student: €265

Post-doctoral researcher: €265

Industrial: €450

Deadline for registration: 30th April 2018

Start of registration and abstract submission: 1st February 2018


Postdoctoral researchers and young Lecturers will be able to present their work as poster or as oral presentation (15 minutes + questions). Some abstracts will be selected by the Scientific Committee for oral presentation, the others will be presented as posters.

PhD students will be able to present their work as posters. Some abstracts will be selected for additional flash oral presentation (5 minutes w/o question).


For the venue to the site of congress, a shuttle will be available for free from Caen to Annelles sur Mer. More details will follow.

Most of the accommodation included in the registration are twin rooms. For single room booking, please contact the local organising committee.

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